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Book Release: Fall 2021

Mental Toughness Training for

Teenage Athletes




Relax, Recharge & Refocus,

Remove Mental Blocks,

Improve Grades & Test Scores

Accelerate Recovery

& Regain Confidence.

FINALLY - A Simple & Concise "Playbook" to help

Determined Teenage Athletes


Coaches, Trainers & Educators join Forces with Expert Performance Therapists to Quickly & Easily help you Visualize & Achieve

Academic & Athletic

Game Winning Success.

Check Out the Team Rebelz


"Just by hearing our story, you’re gonna learn some things that’ll push you to the next level. And then, when you get there, you can use those tools, to stay on top, a lot of pros do." - Coach Flowers

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Team Rebelz

is the FREE companion book,

written as a YA (Young Adult)

story, specifically for our

teenage athletes.


"His coach said that was the best game he's ever played!" She's more relaxed and so much happier now," "His test score went up!" "Wow!" and almost always followed by, "I only wish we'd done this sooner." Nothing warms our hearts more hearing these words over and over again from our very appreciative parents.


And we have a lot of those parents! Collectively, our "Mental Training Coaches" have met with and helped over 30,000 wonderful adults and students (a.k.a., our clients)  utilizing one-on-one, team, group and business sessions to help them find that what they're looking for.

Our clientele is expansive, it includes Olympians, Professional Athletes, Weekend Warriors, Performers, Musicians, Business Professionals, Salespeople, Parents, Young Adults, really, anyone with the desire to find their "Special Thing", including, of course, ...Teenage Athletes.


We work with hundreds of issues, but with Teenage Athletes, it's usually about helping them with negative stress, anxiety, focus, sleep, schoolwork, exams, social pressures, and learning how to relax and "Get in the Zone" at will.

And because of our great success, we've been encouraged to write books on many of the areas in which we help our clients. So, why teenage athletes? Two reasons, really. One, many of these kids are pulled in so many directions they're more stressed out than many of the attorneys we see. And two, the idea of being able to teach thousands more kids throughout the country powerful methods and techniques that not only help them with their goals today, but also equip them with tools they can use for the rest of their lives, ...was just too enticing to pass up.

So, here it is! A practical and easy to digest "Mind Playbook" for the parents of teenage athletes and youth coaches! 

We've been honored to work with hundreds of our country's leading Coaches, Trainers and Educators, who've generously shared with us some of their most successful tips and techniques. Their treasure trove of wisdom was then combined with many of the time-tested Performance Therapy methods and techniques we use in our offices. And, we've included many of the best scientific research and performance coaching know-how out there. The result, Mental Training for Teenage Athletes, is what we believe to be the best "How-To Guide" for parents and coaches of teenage athletes, like you, to help our Teenage Athletes Win Their Mental Game!

Mental Training for Teenage Athletes is written as a concise guidebook. It's made to jump right in, a complete Instruction Manual you can literally use to begin helping your athlete within a few hours:

  • The Rules, to help us understand what goes on in our teens' heads, and what we should and shouldn't do to help them get winning results.

  • The Plays, "imagery wording" specific to your or your child's sport written in a way that our subconscious mind best responds to.

  • The Tips, expert advice and effective techniques from literally hundreds of our best youth coaches, trainers and educators, including inspiration from some of the world's most elite athletes themselves.

  • The Game Plan, simple step-by-step instructions to put these powerful tools into play.

    • 'Team Rebelz' - a companion book (digital copies free to all teens, also available on free on Instagram) written specifically for teenage athletes. It's the story of a high-level youth team and their coaches, who just came back from a disappointing run at Regionals. With the National tournament only a few months away, they know they'll need an edge if they have any chance of breaking through the first few rounds and finish near the top. After their assistant coach (a former player on this same team), shares a long-held secret, the kids decide to try something new. Working with a mental performance coach for the first time, the team, along with the head coach's twin daughters, learn powerful techniques that launch them to the next level. What they didn't expect, though, was this journey of self-discovery, would bind their team together in a way, ...they never imagined. 

    • Zone Boost Recordings - short sessions to use when needed, like a "SuperPower" nap, utilized before competitions or other important events. Scripts to record your own sessions are included in the book, 'Mental Training for Teenage Athletes.'

    • Power Zone Recordings - the most important session, each night as our head hits the pillow we turn on our Power Zone recordings ...and let the magic begin. Scripts to record your own sessions are included in the book, 'Mental Training for Teenage Athletes.'

  • The Short-Cut Option, No Judgment here! Like you, many on our Team also have extremely busy lives, so we've added a Short-Cut Option. We'll let you know which parts of the book you ABSOLUTELY need to read to get moving fast. And you can even save more time by just streaming or downloading the Zone Works Recording System from us instead of recording them yourself, if you'd prefer (fee applies for recording system, free if you make the recordings yourself).

One-on-One or Team Sessions with our Team "Mental Training Coaches" are always the fastest and most direct route to success for our kids, kind of like the Gold Medal in the world of Mind Performance Training. Yet, we understand personal and team sessions are not always possible for everyone. So, we developed the book, Mental Training for Teenage Athletes, to fill that gap for the thousands of Teenage Athletes who aren't able to experience In-Person or Phone/FaceTime/Skype sessions, but still want to learn to train their mind, and Take their Game to a New Level!



Your child (Student Athlete) tells you, "I DO want to get better!" and "I AM trying!"

Coaches tell you, "She has so much potential, she just needs to believe in herself!" "He's doing great in practice, he just needs to focus more during the game!"

And you keep repeating over, and over, and over again... "Stop thinking so much!" followed by "Play smart!" "Get out of your head!" and then "Use your head!" "Relax and have fun!" and soon after, "Concentrate, Knuckle Down!"

We love our kids. We believe in them, and we believe in their dreams. We only want the best for them. But no matter how much time and money we spend trying to get our kids the best equipment, coaches, trainers and tutors ...there's still something missing.

We've heard it so often it's become cliche' "Sports is 10% physical and 90% mental." And yes, we've also heard about all the Elite Athletes and Olympians who not only fiercely train their bodies, but also use Visualization, Imagery and other Techniques to "Take Home the Gold" by training their minds.


But how does just thinking about or visualizing our goals really help? And more importantly, how do we find any extra hours in the day to teach that mind skill to our kids? Between school, homework, practice, extra training and possibly tutoring, they barely have a minute to eat, yet alone enjoy time with their friends ...or sleep.

Trust us, we understand where you're coming from.


Our In the Zone Performance Team is not a group of well-meaning therapists out to help your child receive a Participation Trophy. When it comes to Elite Athletes, and those striving to be, our goal is to quickly and easily help them feel good and bring home the Gold!


And, after working with 30,000+ clients, we can tell you, unequivocally, that will power, hard work and determination alone is not enough to consistently Finish on Top.


As a matter of fact, some of our clients include Olympians and MMA Fighters, and trust us, they know a thing or two about will power, hard work and determination. So, if these hard-as-nails type of Elite Athletes (& Coaches) find it important to allocate a small amount of time out of their busy day to train their minds, who are we to dismiss that idea?

Even more so, today, with the amazing new brain imagery scans, science is proving over and over again that the part of the brain responsible for making changes and decisions in our life, is our subconscious mind. And, let's face it, most of us have never learned how to communicate with, or train, that part of our brain. 


It comes down to this, our kids usually are "trying"...they're just going about it the wrong way. So, as their parent, we're hoping you'll use this "Mind Playbook," Mental Toughness Training for Teenage Athletes, and spend a few hours to begin educating yourself on "the right way" to train one's mind. In doing so, you'll be better able to help your Teenage Athletes, not only win their Mental Game today, but have the skills and techniques to keep winning, for the rest of their lives.




To get where we've never been,

We must do what we've never done.


Now let's be clear, that quote only applies to you if your team hasn't won every game you've ever wanted to win, or if every athlete under your wings hasn't excelled to their ultimate potential. 

Did we lose anyone?

No? Then, let's cut to the chase. Olympians and almost all noteworthy major sports teams work with "Mental" or "Inner Game" performance coaches of some type. And Just because you're a Youth Coach with limited resources, there's no reason why you can't also have the tools and knowledge to help your team win the mental part of their game.


High-level coaches understand that old-school, hard-nosed coaching tactics work with some of our athletes, some of the time. But, to take our game to the next level, we need that mental edge that works for almost all of our athletes, almost all of the time.

We said this in the above section, to our PARENTS, and it's important enough to repeat:


After working with 30,000+ clients, we can tell you, unequivocally, that will power, hard work and determination alone is not enough to consistently Finish on Top. As a matter of fact, some of our clients include Olympians and MMA Fighters, and trust us, they know a thing or two about will power, hard work and determination. So, if these hard-as-nails type of Elite Athletes (& Coaches) find it important to allocate a small amount of time out of their busy day to train their minds, who are we to dismiss that idea?"

So, what can you do? The first two, listed below, for sure, and the third if possible.

  • The Book - Mental Training for Teenage Athletes: Read it. Learn it. Do it.

If you're interested in allowing us to directly email your student athlete parents information about the book, we'd be happy to offer you a copy of Mental Training for Teenage Athletes in digital format for your personal use, at no cost to you (contact us).

  • Allot 5% of Practice Time to get 10% or more in Additional Performance & Results.

Our Team believes in "Fast & Easy Results"! And your kids believe in what YOU show them is important. It's key that you, the coach, learn to do these mental or inner game performance techniques, and then practice what you preach, with your team. 5 to 10 minutes before each training session is a perfect way to start. You can do them as a stand-alone, or we'll show you ways to incorporate these methods into a pre-practice stretching routine, further increasing efficiency. Choosing to not practice mental performance techniques with your kids, and then losing a competition by a fraction of a second or a few points is not acceptable, ...investing 5% of practice time each day to turn that loss into a win, is.

  • Schedule a Customized In the Zone Session for your team. Have you ever said to yourself, "If I could just get (fill in the blank) into my kids' heads..."? Well, now you can.


- We first talk with you to discuss the goals you'd like to accomplish in the Team Session (a.k.a. what you want to get in your kids' heads). If you need some inspiration, read the book's Expert Tips & Techniques specific to your sport shared with us by hundreds of the country's Elite Youth Coaches & Trainers.


- We'll then have a mandatory Meeting with the Parents: to help them understand what will be taking place during the kids' Team Session; we'll go over what the parent role in the "Mental Game Process" is; and then we'll even give the parents an On-the-House Relaxation Session if they'd like to experience how amazing Enhanced Imagery Techniques can make you feel.

- During the Team Session, we'll spend a few minutes educating the kids on how our brains work and why we sometimes feel or perform the way we do. Then, we'll help the kids unwind and go into a relaxed state where we can easily communicate with the subconscious automatic part of their brain. Once there, we help them with playing in the moment, confidence, performing "in the zone" and whatever additional goal we discussed with you and the parents. After the session, the kids will feel relaxed, focused and ready to take on their day at a whole new level!

- If possible, we try to schedule Parent Meetings and Team Sessions in person. If that won't work, we're also very successful with utilizing FaceTime, Zoom or Skype. Parent Meetings can be up to 300 attendants, Team Sessions are usually best with 10-50 teenage athletes per session.

- Pricing varies with location, number of athletes per session and number of Team Sessions required. Team Session are typically 1/3 the price per person as Individual Private Sessions, making Team Sessions a great deal, that parents always appreciate.


© 2021 In The Zone Performance, LLC 

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