Please submit 1-3 tips/advice/inspiration comments.
What we’re looking for here are tips/advice/suggestions/inspiration to help our teens with the physical or mental part of the game. We’d also love some guidance or ideas you have to help other coaches who with today’s youth. Trust your instinct, trust your gut. When an idea pops into your head, write it down. If nothing’s flowing, try one, or all five suggestions below, to open up your floodgates!
Remember back to a time when you said or did something, and you could almost see the light bulb go on in your player’s eyes, …when it suddenly ‘clicked’ for them, they finally got it.
Do you have an image or metaphor you sometimes use with your team to help them “visualize” what you want them to do or feel?
Think back to a coaching challenge you used to have, and share, with your fellow youth coaches, what you learned to overcome it. (It could be something like tips to get your kids to focus or to not quit during a tough game, …or something simple, like a favorite practice drill or a team management app that’s working out great for you.)
Text other coaches and ask if they have any suggestions. Let them know you’ve been asked to give a comment for a book about something you’ve done or said that seemed to help the kids out, with either the physical or mental part of the game.
Text your players, “Hey, ladies/gentlemen, I’ve been asked to give a comment for a book, and it said to ask you what’s something I’ve done or said that helped with your game or made you feel better?” When coaches do this, many are often pleasantly shocked by some of the answers they get.
Feel free to write as much copy as you like. We will edit it if necessary. Also, don’t worry about grammar, just talk/write in your own ‘voice.’
Your contact information will be kept private and not included in the book or on its accompanying website. It will only be used to contact you for any needed clarification, and to send you a proof of your tip/advice/suggestion/inspiration. We may need to add to, delete parts of or edit a portion of your tip/advice/suggestion/inspiration if necessary. You will have final approval of your content before it’s included in the book and/or website, and you’ll be asked to confirm that the spelling of your name, etc. is correct.
Thank you so much! We'll be in touch!